Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live by eating human dead skin cells. They live all over the home in pillows, furniture, carpet and especially mattresses; since human body creates millions of dead skin cells during sleep to provide plenty of food. It is important to know how to clean a mattress since dust mites can cause health issues for people with allergies or respiratory conditions such as asthma. Proper mattress cleaning can effectively fight dust mite infestation.
Using a Vacuum Cleaner on Your Mattress
Any homeowner can get a good mattress cleaning using a high quality vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. Since dust mites multiply quickly, a thorough vacuuming should be done on a regular basis. Between the mattresses should be vacuumed as well as box springs, under the bed and anywhere the mattress makes contact with the wall. Homeowners whose bedrooms are carpeted most likely need more help with cleaning a mattress since dust mites hide in carpeting.
Using a Steam Cleaner on a Mattress
Steam cleaners, when used with specially designed cleansers, disinfect and deodorize a mattress in addition to killing dust mites. Vapor steam cleaners come in a variety of styles and price ranges and can be a big help with mattress cleaning to help control dust mite infestation. A good cleaner will heat the water to 298 degrees; which is the temperature that also kills any mold and mildew in the mattress. For households with allergy or asthma sufferers, it is especially important to learn how to clean a mattress in a thorough manner.
Hiring a Professional
Hiring professional cleaning services is the best way to get effective mattress cleaning. Employees of professional companies are knowledgeable about health issues that can arise from dust mites and other pollutants found in mattresses. They are trained to use the correct tools to thoroughly clean mattresses and other dust mite hiding places. The vacuums that are used by professionals are more powerful than the average homeowner has at home. Most have filtration systems two times the size of vacuums sold in department stores.
Professional steam cleaning is another way to solve the dilemma of how to clean a mattress well enough to kill dust mites. Most companies use non toxic and natural cleaning solutions that don’t leave a residue that could aggravate allergy symptoms. A professional steam cleaning provides a deep cleaning to your mattress. Professional cleaners also apply an antibacterial and fungicidal spray on the mattress for protection between cleanings.
Mattress Maintenance
Maintaining a mattress that has been cleaned is just as important as knowing how to properly clean a mattress. Bedding should be washed at once a week with water that is at least 130 degrees. Specially designed fitted sheets, called dust mite encasings are effective for dust mite control. Most department stores sell tannic acid which can be sprayed on the mattress to deactivate dust mite feces that can aggravate people with allergies. Since dust mites thrive in conditions where there is a 50 percent or more humidity level, running a dehumidifier is helpful to fight dust mites in between a mattress cleaning to keep the level under 30 percent.
Other Resources for Getting Rid of Dust Mites in a Mattress
How to get rid of things has a good page with solid tips on getting rid of dust mites in a mattress.
The Dust Mite Protection site has a list of tips on getting rid of dust mites in your mattress.
Net Wellness is a university based site with a lot of good advice on fighting dust mites in general.
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