Wondering how to clean your mattress of stains? Here are a few tips to get you going.
Although no one certainly likes to talk about it, mattresses can get some ugly and smelly stains on them. If you’re a parent, then you likely can tell some tales about your child’s not-so-nice bed-wetting issues and other accidents, and attest to the fact that mattress cleaning is not the most likeable household chore. Nonetheless, it’s important to remove these stains as quickly as possible.
How to Clean a Mattress and Get Rid of Stains
The products used in the removal of stains depend upon the type of stain, and milder products should always be utilized first before trying stronger ones. First of all, if the warranty on your mattress covers stains, then you need not go through these steps at all. However, if the warranty does not offer this coverage or has expired, then get ready to do a little work.
The first method that you should try on any stain is called the dry suds method. You will need a ¼ cup of mild powdered laundry detergent, a cup of warm water, and an egg beater or other object to rapidly stir the mixture into sudsy foam. Once you have obtained lots of suds, lift some of the foam off the top with a damp sponge and begin to rub it into the stain. Continue rubbing until the stain disappears. You may re-apply additional foam, but be careful to keep the sponge as dry as possible so as not to soak the fabric. Once the stain is removed, wait for the area to dry completely before putting the sheets back on.
Mattress Cleaning and Some Stubborn Stains
If the stain is stubborn, and does not want to lift out of the fabric with the dry suds method, try using upholstery cleaner. Although upholstery cleaner is quite strong, it may be your only resort. Use it carefully. Try to find a biologically-based cleaner that uses enzymes to break down dirt and stains. Follow the instructions on the packaging, and then allow the mattress to dry thoroughly.
Some stains, such as blood, may require even stronger treatments. One of the best ways to remove blood stains from a mattress is the use of hydrogen peroxide. You may wish to test a tiny area of the mattress before beginning the process. Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide is bleach, and if you don’t want the area that you are treating to turn white, then don’t use it. After applying the hydrogen peroxide, which should now be bubbling, pat the stain with a white towel, working from the outer edges inward. Keep doing so until the entire stain is removed.
Hydrogen peroxide can also be used for urine stains, or you can try white vinegar, which is a lot less caustic. After cleaning, you may also wish to cover the stained area with baking soda to help neutralize any odors. Rub the soda into the fabric so that it goes down as deep as possible.
And there you have it. If you’ve been wondering how to clean a mattress and rid it of those not-so-pleasant stains, hopefully these tips will be useful for you the next time you hear words like, “Mom, I had an accident.”
Other Great Mattress Stain Cleaning Resources
DIY Life has this page about methods of cleaning mattress stains, including blood and urine.
Stain Removal 101 mentions several methods of cleaning stains from a mattress, including using sunlight and a wet vac.
The Mattress Lady also covers several methods of how to clean mattress staining, including using citrus based cleaners.
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